Wednesday, September 4, 2013

GTV First Loop: Baker Lake, WA to North Cascades National Park

Before leaving Baker Lake, Mel and Flynn decided to get in a quick trail run while Jeff got things organized and dug into the maps. Realizing on the way in that we were going down…and down…and down (and more importantly, that meant coming out we’d have to go up, and up, and up), we decided to turn around about two miles in. A short spur to the tip of a cape made for the perfect turnaround spot, with a great view of Mt. Baker across the lake. Sorry, no pictures; we were travelling light.

Next, into the North Cascades National Park. This place is a truly unique combination for a national park—stunning beauty AND it’s completely out of the way. So, as you can imagine, in September it boasts a fantastic dearth of crowds. Also, this is one of the few national parks where, at least in certain areas (like off of Route 20) your furry friend can hike with you! Flynn was pleased.

After a quick stop at the info center/ranger station for some hiking beta and the requisite postcard to hang on the GTV’s wall-of-awesomeness, Jeff picked out our hike. Spoiler alert—it was awesome. However, I admit to being a bit of a doubter on the front end. I mean, c’mon, with the ranger warning that four inches of rain were expected the following day, with storm clouds threatening, was picking “Rainy Pass” really the brightest idea? Turns out, it was, and I stand corrected.

Oh. My. God. The views! A challenging and spectacular loop hike (everyone loves a good loop, right?) where the vista around each corner stunned us even more than the last. Photographs will do it more justice than I could…

Wobbly-legged and giddy, we continued our trek east to Lone Fir campground – a climber’s campground where everyone drank their beers and hit the sack early for their pre-dawn approaches -- just outside the park’s border. There we found a lovely spot to picnic on spaghetti with red sauce and chicken sausage, and make our camp for the night. Too tuckered for a camp fire (I forgot to mention we had one the night before. And s’mores) we crawled into bed contented.

Big day. Good day.

Today’s lesson:  If the forecast calls for rain, and the rain clouds threaten rain, you may as well go for the trifecta. The universe might chuckle at your funny, and reward you for your cojones.