Tuesday, September 3, 2013

And away we go...

Welcome to The Good Times Van -- a blog about two people, their dog Flynn, a Roadtrek Adventurous van, and a two-month trip around the Western Rockies (with diversions).

Six years ago, Jeff and I were on our honeymoon in Europe (it was uh-mazing, as you can plainly see). We got to talking about how many corners of our own country we had yet to explore, and also how we much our then brand new dog Flynn (aka Mr. Pants among a myriad of other names) would love this or that experience we were having. ("Wouldn't Mr. Pants love this hike?"  "Flynn would kill you in your sleep for that Italian salami." That sort of thing.)

At any rate, the two concepts melded together (there may have been some wine involved) into a brilliant idea--what if we got a camper van and toured around the country with the dog? Six weeks at least. Maybe a year. Okay maybe two months.

So, six years later, on this very day, after a one-day delay for HOLY CRAP WE HAVE WAY TOO MUCH TO DO, Jeff, Flynn and I (Melissa) set off for a two-month tour of...whatever we find.

On our agenda:
Living in the moment
National Parks, Wilderness Areas and other pretty places
Apart time
Finding good food
Enjoying whatever comes our way, because we've scheduled ourselves not at all

NOT on our agenda:

And away we go...

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