Tuesday, September 3, 2013

GTV First Loop: Portland, OR to Baker Lake, WA

With a whole host of emotions—primarily strains of excitement and disbelief—coursing through us, we pulled out of Portland round abouts 9:15 AM.  

The first leg of our trip was Portland to Seattle slog. (If you live in either of those two cities, you’re in the midst of an understanding eye-roll right now.) It rained in Seattle.

About 20 miles north of the Emerald City, “Let’s get the hell off of I-5,” I said. And thus began our first of what I imagine will be many, many scenic route detours, fraught with both delightful (hike to ice caves!) and potentially challenging (“Um…did that sign say pavement ends?”) surprises. And yes, the pavement ended. The GTV (Good Times Van) conquered her first stretch of gravel road!

Our intended destination was Mt. Baker recreation area—which we almost blew off because the scenic route took juuuuuuuust a little bit more time than the direct route would have. However, knowing it was unlikely we’d be back up to that area any time soon, we pressed on.

For those familiar with various land designations like “National Park,” versus “National Forest” versus “National Recreation Area” the thing is, we usually avoid the last one. Recreation areas generally mean big, human-made lakes full of speed boats and ski-do’s, piloted by (oh man I’m going to get in trouble for this) drunk rednecks. WHICH I TOTALLY CAN SEE THE FUN OF…it’s just not our bag. 

However, it turns out that the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend, these places are deserted. At least this one was. In a campground of 46 sites, there were two filled—ours and the campground host’s. It was a gorgeous night on the (albeit human made) lake, with mountains in the background, a great campfire, a gour-met first night meal thanks to Jeff (foil packet salmon cooked on the fire, couscous and sautéed kale), a spot of wine and some mighty fine stars.

Oh yeah, then we crawled into our bed and watched the first part of The Big Lebowski. Because we could.

Not a bad start. Not a bad start at all.

Today's lesson:  Even if the road is bumpier, take the scenic route.


  1. Sounds like an amazing start!! have so much fun!

  2. Day #1! You guys are on the road and already seeing pretty stuff.

    Love the lesson - especially since you all have so much TIME. So excited for your non agenda agenda.

    PS - Old97s represent!

  3. "I want to see uncle Jeffy and aunt Mel" -Oliver after I showed him your picture at the van. We are missing you and thinking of you! Have SO much fun guys!
