Thursday, October 3, 2013

GTV First Loop: Lost Man Lake

We awoke knowing that more snow was forecast for the area the coming night, and set out to squeeze in a big alpine hike. Our target was the Lost Man Lake loop on the other side of Independence Pass towards Aspen. Technically only a loop because of the four miles of the road, so I dropped Melissa and Flynn at the Independence Lake trailhead while I headed to the Lost Man trailhead with the van. Mostly tourists driving up the pass from Aspen so it took a few minutes to flag a ride, but before long a kindly couple took me into their car, and I was back up the road and we were off on our hike.

Back towards the west side of Independence Pass
Despite wanting to get moving on the hike due to the weather, we opted for an immediate detour to Linkins Lake.

And since we had already gained some altitude, we figured why not head directly over the high meadow toward Independence Lake.

Independence Lake

Up and over the pass, we were greeted by Lost Man Lake where we paused for lunch.

Down the back side along Lost Man Creek and it’s many tributaries.

Soon we were home at the van, back up and over the pass, and southward towards Salida. Another cute, outdoorsy Colorado town and a late arrival, so we stopped for a giant salad and yummy pint at Amica’s before staying at the Four Seasons of RV parks – the Salida Four Seasons. Ok, it was just a regular RV park, but it was quiet and right on the Arkansas River.

Day’s Lesson: Not a lot of air at 12,800 feet. But sure is purty. 

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